Finally! I have a website for t-shirts set up. There is a pretty wide range of subjects from bears to politics. I don't have too much up there yet, but everything that's completed is on the site. There are many more designs in the works and I'll update everyone on when things are added. There is also a contact page for suggestions or if you want something done for you personally.
At the same time as all of this I'm building another site that will focus on Graphic Design and custom projects in general. I'm taking my time with that one because I want it to be perfect, but in the meantime any requests can go through the t-shirt site. Currently the site is limited to t-shirts, but let me know if you want something else, I'm more than happy to accommodate.
On another note, you can now access my blog by using It still takes you to Blogger because I'm not going to change that until I've set up the other sites.
Anyhoo...let me know what you think.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Voice Article About Javier's
Ben Briscoe, a writer for the Dallas Voice, wrote a story about the whole Javier's incident. It was published in this week's paper. Of course Javier's isn't going to admit to anything, so it turns into a "He Said, (S)he said" sort of thing, but it's still good that it's out there.
Thanks to everyone who has been circulating this - I still maintain, as do they, that they were slighted by Javier's based on sexual orientation. I still refuse to return until they admit what they did and apologize.
Dallas Voice Story
Thanks to everyone who has been circulating this - I still maintain, as do they, that they were slighted by Javier's based on sexual orientation. I still refuse to return until they admit what they did and apologize.
Dallas Voice Story
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Well, I swore off "networking" sites after I just got tired of myspace. People here and there would say, "Why aren't you on Facebook?" I didn't realize how many people were on there. A couple of days ago Mark joined and within a couple of hours he had about 40 or so friends in his list. He couldn't believe the people that were coming up. After seeing how quickly it worked I thought I'd try.
After 24 hours, my list is up to 25. Several of these people are ones I haven't spoken to or seen in 10-15 years. It's great! I made contact with one of my favorite people from theatre and school. She's been MIA for a long time and I've been looking all over for her...apparently everywhere but Facebook!
The most exciting part is just seeing who shows up!
After 24 hours, my list is up to 25. Several of these people are ones I haven't spoken to or seen in 10-15 years. It's great! I made contact with one of my favorite people from theatre and school. She's been MIA for a long time and I've been looking all over for her...apparently everywhere but Facebook!
The most exciting part is just seeing who shows up!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Clown Tees
Ok, I have to admit something. I hate clowns. They're creepy and up to something - why else would they be concealing themselves with so much make-up and loud colors? I've never been a fan and never will be. My fear is shared by many, many people. I have added 5 new clown-themed shirts to the site.
I use Zazzle for the shirts because they will allow you to choose the type and color of shirt you want. They also have better quality shirts than most companies like them.
Click on the pictures to take you to the main site.

I use Zazzle for the shirts because they will allow you to choose the type and color of shirt you want. They also have better quality shirts than most companies like them.
Click on the pictures to take you to the main site.

Monday, August 25, 2008
Javier's Knox-Henderson is Anti-Gay
I have to tell you about something that happened to a friend of mine over the weekend at Javier's Gourmet Mexicano on Cole Ave in Dallas. Let's call him John. I want to start by saying that Javier's was a great place to go, although I hadn't been in a long time. For those that aren't familiar with the Knox-Henderson area of Dallas it's a very trendy area full of 20-30-somethings. I've never had a problem feeling out of place because I'm gay - for the most part nobody cares.
Saturday night, John went to Javier's with 14 other people for a friend's birthday dinner. Javier's was packed, as usual. They waited in the bar where they bought two rounds of drinks totaling over $400. They spent an hour waiting for a table and there were no seats to be found, so John's boyfriend sat on his leg - well, more like he leaned and partially sat. John was on the phone and not really paying attention while his boyfriend was talking to someone else.
The manager walked up to them and said that their behavior was inappropriate and that they needed to leave the restaurant. They weren't doing anything. John kind of laughed it off and went back to his phone conversation because there was no way the guy could be serious. The manager repeated, "You need to leave now." His boyfriend asked if someone had complained or commented about them, but he said they hadn't and they needed to leave the premises immediately. John, in shock, realized he was serious.
The group was spread out through the bar and John was holding the valet tickets. He told the manager that he just needed to give the other people their valet tickets. The manager stopped him and again told him to leave. He explained that he was holding all of the valet tickets and had no plans of staying, but needed to give everyone their tickets. Apparently the manager saw this as threatening because he called the off-duty cop to come in. John told him they were leaving and that there was no reason for him to be involved.
So, here's my thinking...either we spread the word and boycott the restaurant - hit them in the wallet, or go the more obnoxious route - get a large group of gays together and show up Saturday night. While waiting for a table we sit in each others laps. Although it would be fun(ny) it wouldn't accomplish as much as the publicity that this is going to generate.
I'll guarantee you one thing - if it was a woman sitting in a man's lap waiting for a table it wouldn't have been an issue. Oh, and I'll guarantee another - I'm never stepping foot inside Javier's again until they issue a public apology and discipline the manager. Get the word out - they need to know just how much money they can lose by alienating the demographic with the most disposable income.
(Although I wasn't there, John has read this and approved it as accurate.)
Saturday night, John went to Javier's with 14 other people for a friend's birthday dinner. Javier's was packed, as usual. They waited in the bar where they bought two rounds of drinks totaling over $400. They spent an hour waiting for a table and there were no seats to be found, so John's boyfriend sat on his leg - well, more like he leaned and partially sat. John was on the phone and not really paying attention while his boyfriend was talking to someone else.
The manager walked up to them and said that their behavior was inappropriate and that they needed to leave the restaurant. They weren't doing anything. John kind of laughed it off and went back to his phone conversation because there was no way the guy could be serious. The manager repeated, "You need to leave now." His boyfriend asked if someone had complained or commented about them, but he said they hadn't and they needed to leave the premises immediately. John, in shock, realized he was serious.
The group was spread out through the bar and John was holding the valet tickets. He told the manager that he just needed to give the other people their valet tickets. The manager stopped him and again told him to leave. He explained that he was holding all of the valet tickets and had no plans of staying, but needed to give everyone their tickets. Apparently the manager saw this as threatening because he called the off-duty cop to come in. John told him they were leaving and that there was no reason for him to be involved.
So, here's my thinking...either we spread the word and boycott the restaurant - hit them in the wallet, or go the more obnoxious route - get a large group of gays together and show up Saturday night. While waiting for a table we sit in each others laps. Although it would be fun(ny) it wouldn't accomplish as much as the publicity that this is going to generate.
I'll guarantee you one thing - if it was a woman sitting in a man's lap waiting for a table it wouldn't have been an issue. Oh, and I'll guarantee another - I'm never stepping foot inside Javier's again until they issue a public apology and discipline the manager. Get the word out - they need to know just how much money they can lose by alienating the demographic with the most disposable income.
(Although I wasn't there, John has read this and approved it as accurate.)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Time for me to beg...
Well, I've put it off as long as I could - I hate asking for money (I'd make a very bad vagrant.) It's time to start collecting officially for the LifeWalk benefiting AIDSArms a local charity helping people with HIV and AIDS.
I've had the "Donate" button on my blog for a few months now and a HUGE thank you to the people who have donated, but I'm still far from my goal. This year I aimed high - $2500, because I believe it's possible. Last year we had a record-breaking year overall, earning a grand total of $370,000. Mark and I will be working and walking with Team Rainbow Ranch to break more records this year.
Unfortunately these days it's very needed. The rate of new HIV infections is growing at an alarming rate. Whether it's due to lack of knowledge, drugs, complacency, or a combination is unknown. What is known is that education is the key to preventing new infections and helping those that are newly infected.
This is a charity very close to my heart. I have been lucky (pure luck is all it is) that I've never become positive despite a lot of episodes of stupidity in my past. But adding it up, I would have to say that 80-90% of my gay friends are positive and I see the effects of the disease on their daily lives. Kids are out there with the attitude that it's no big deal because people aren't dying left and right like the 80's and early 90's. It is still an incurable disease, and while there are medications that allow you to live a long life, they do horrible things to your body.
Ok, I'm going to step off my soapbox for now, that's not what this post is about. It's about money...if you have the means and inclination, please click on the "Donate" link at the top of the main page and give anything you can...please don't be intimidated if you see people donate large amounts - every $5 or $10 helps.
Thank you again to everyone who has and will donate!
I've had the "Donate" button on my blog for a few months now and a HUGE thank you to the people who have donated, but I'm still far from my goal. This year I aimed high - $2500, because I believe it's possible. Last year we had a record-breaking year overall, earning a grand total of $370,000. Mark and I will be working and walking with Team Rainbow Ranch to break more records this year.
Unfortunately these days it's very needed. The rate of new HIV infections is growing at an alarming rate. Whether it's due to lack of knowledge, drugs, complacency, or a combination is unknown. What is known is that education is the key to preventing new infections and helping those that are newly infected.
This is a charity very close to my heart. I have been lucky (pure luck is all it is) that I've never become positive despite a lot of episodes of stupidity in my past. But adding it up, I would have to say that 80-90% of my gay friends are positive and I see the effects of the disease on their daily lives. Kids are out there with the attitude that it's no big deal because people aren't dying left and right like the 80's and early 90's. It is still an incurable disease, and while there are medications that allow you to live a long life, they do horrible things to your body.
Ok, I'm going to step off my soapbox for now, that's not what this post is about. It's about money...if you have the means and inclination, please click on the "Donate" link at the top of the main page and give anything you can...please don't be intimidated if you see people donate large amounts - every $5 or $10 helps.
Thank you again to everyone who has and will donate!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A New Piece
I finally got my new piece out of jail. I put it on layaway in the Spring and have taken my time getting it out - $100 here, $100 there. Yesterday I was finally able to walk out with it!
It is a Vitrix piece. This was my second piece of nice, high quality art glass. They don't look alike and I chose both pieces at completely different times, without looking at the label, and they're both by the same studio. I just really like their work and tend to gravitate toward them naturally.
Time to put another piece on layaway...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Coming Soon...
Well, I've purchased "" I'm working on building the new blog, but it's a bigger pain in the ass than I ever realized. I'm also working on a site for the t-shirts and doing custom designs for people. That website will be "" - another pain in the ass...but I'm figuring it out.
Then there's a third one that I haven't figured out completely yet, but will involve consulting on tile designs. I didn't realize how many designers, builders, contractors, homeowners are at a loss for how to design their tile. I love doing it because to me it's like a big puzzle. I'll probably mainly sell the designs and then if someone would like me to help them with product selection I can do that, but only at my showroom - I won't shop around. But, again, I want it to be more about the design than anything else.
Still working it all out, but Coming and! Oh, and I've removed the Zazzle banner on the side and put a Flash one at the bottom of the page.
Then there's a third one that I haven't figured out completely yet, but will involve consulting on tile designs. I didn't realize how many designers, builders, contractors, homeowners are at a loss for how to design their tile. I love doing it because to me it's like a big puzzle. I'll probably mainly sell the designs and then if someone would like me to help them with product selection I can do that, but only at my showroom - I won't shop around. But, again, I want it to be more about the design than anything else.
Still working it all out, but Coming and! Oh, and I've removed the Zazzle banner on the side and put a Flash one at the bottom of the page.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Summoning The Punisher?

This is Reunion Tower all lit up here in Dallas. Normally it looks like the picture on the left. It might be flashing or have patterns moving through it, but when there aren't any patterns going on it's just a solid globe.
Last night I walked out of my front door to take Max out and saw a skull floating in the Dallas skyline. It wasn't moving or changing. It was just there. Weird - and a little creepy. It's almost as if someone is trying to signal The Punisher or something...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Nice Weekend
Friday evening Tyler and Naomi came up from Austin for the weekend. Lori, Justin, and one of their offspring came over that evening and we had Chinese and hung out. After Lori and Justin left we watched the Olympics Opening Ceremonies - very impressive (them Chinese is tricky.)
Saturday Ashley, Keith, Katie, and Cari met us at Manny's for lunch. Ashley came back with us and Stacie came over for a bit. I'm afraid I wasn't the best company, but after a couple of margaritas at lunch and another drink when I got home, I had trouble keeping my eyes was midnight after all...(sad.)
Ashley spent the night on the couch with Tyler and Naomi. Don't worry - large couch and very comfortable. This morning we hung out for a bit. As Tyler and Naomi were preparing to leave, Beth called saying she was in the neighborhood with the kids...I love Beth and her kids, don't get me wrong (really Beth, I do) but our home isn't exactly child-friendly. Mark and I spent the whole time tense...waiting for something to break...luckily the kids are was more about them and Max together...a lot of potential insanity there. After a nice visit, everyone was off.
Mark and I went to PeiWei before I had to take him to the airport for his stupid business trip. No, it is a stupid business trip. He flew to Atlanta to basically go have lunch with a client and come back. Customer relations, I guess. So, I've been sitting here with Max designing shirts and posting them online.
Oh, and I started setting up my own websites...I'll have one for the blog and one for the whole t-shirt thing...possibly one for graphic design or interior design consultant services. We might also go ahead and set up a website for Mark to sell his artwork. It was somewhat impulsive, I realize, and afterword realized it probably had something to do with one of my meds that increases compulsive behavior (because I need help with that), but at the same time I've thought about doing it for a couple of years now...I've just become proactive about it.
Anyhoo...check out the new shirts...there are three of them.
Saturday Ashley, Keith, Katie, and Cari met us at Manny's for lunch. Ashley came back with us and Stacie came over for a bit. I'm afraid I wasn't the best company, but after a couple of margaritas at lunch and another drink when I got home, I had trouble keeping my eyes was midnight after all...(sad.)
Ashley spent the night on the couch with Tyler and Naomi. Don't worry - large couch and very comfortable. This morning we hung out for a bit. As Tyler and Naomi were preparing to leave, Beth called saying she was in the neighborhood with the kids...I love Beth and her kids, don't get me wrong (really Beth, I do) but our home isn't exactly child-friendly. Mark and I spent the whole time tense...waiting for something to break...luckily the kids are was more about them and Max together...a lot of potential insanity there. After a nice visit, everyone was off.
Mark and I went to PeiWei before I had to take him to the airport for his stupid business trip. No, it is a stupid business trip. He flew to Atlanta to basically go have lunch with a client and come back. Customer relations, I guess. So, I've been sitting here with Max designing shirts and posting them online.
Oh, and I started setting up my own websites...I'll have one for the blog and one for the whole t-shirt thing...possibly one for graphic design or interior design consultant services. We might also go ahead and set up a website for Mark to sell his artwork. It was somewhat impulsive, I realize, and afterword realized it probably had something to do with one of my meds that increases compulsive behavior (because I need help with that), but at the same time I've thought about doing it for a couple of years now...I've just become proactive about it.
Anyhoo...check out the new shirts...there are three of them.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Ok, I've finally got some t-shirts back up for sale online. I've switched from Cafe Press to Zazzle because I like the quality of their shirts and you can choose your own colors/styles/quality. There are only about 8 on there right now, but I'll be adding more soon. They will be geared towards Bears or sarcasm...or sarcastic bears, but there will be others.
In fact, I'm always open to new ideas...
Bear Necessities
In fact, I'm always open to new ideas...
Bear Necessities
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Natchitoches Trip
Of all the times I've been to Natchitoches, I've never taken pictures of the Steel Magnolias house and come home to watch the movie so I could compare, but that's what I'm doing. This was Mark's first trip there which of course made it more fun. I forget though how small the house is in person. We were sitting here going through pictures and I decided to compare.
Now, at 10:30, I think we'll be watching the whole thing. I haven't seen it in years, but can still recite it word for word - so can Mark...we're pathetic and uber-gay...
Oh, and although he has had Natchitoches meat pies before, he's never had a fresh one made in Natchitoches at Lasyone's...
There's nothin' better than Lasyone's meat pies, dirty rice, and gumbo...seriously...
Now, at 10:30, I think we'll be watching the whole thing. I haven't seen it in years, but can still recite it word for word - so can Mark...we're pathetic and uber-gay...
Oh, and although he has had Natchitoches meat pies before, he's never had a fresh one made in Natchitoches at Lasyone's...

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