Saturday, February 2, 2008

I learned something new...

I have a new word I learned here in Gorum:

dog-kin: family that you don't want to claim.

I learned this word when we were discussing the house and what we should do about it being vacant with all of the valuables in it. We are keeping the house for now and don't want to empty it, but at the same time are a little concerned about vandalism.

The caretaker, Noble Lester, said that there shouldn't be much of a problem with everyone so close by, but that there might be some dog-kin that could try to take advantage of the situation. I love this term. I think it'll become part of my permanent vocabulary.

And speaking of dog-kin...I heard some interesting stories this week I'd never heard about. When I get home and am able to upload pictures, I'll share them. They're unbelievable, yet true.

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