Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Overwhelming depression today. I was at work by 7:15 (I don't have to be here until 9) and I don't know why. I mean, I do have a lot of work to get done that doesn't seem to happen during regular hours because of things that pop up throughout the day. But other than that I don't know what my problem is.

I have a lot of positive things in my life and believe me, I recognize that. But for some reason it doesn't change anything. There are all of these things I want/need to get done, but seem unable to do it. I'm fighting the urge to become reclusive and to hide. I don't want to do that again - I've been down that road before.

I think I have to just write it off as a side effect of Accutane. I know I've battled depression for about as long as I can remember, but I'm pretty well medicated for it and it really hasn't been too bad for awhile. This, on the other hand, is bad. I guess as long as I'm aware of it I'll be ok. But it doesn't change the fact that I just want to go fetal.


Joe in OK said...


I just now visited your blog for the first time and I like it a lot.

Be careful with Accutane. It can help with skin conditions, but it can also play with your emotions.

I was on it years ago for a span of several months. While I was taking it, I found that I might be elated one minute... and in the utter depths of despair the next.

I was in my early 30s at that time... old enough to know that my feelings were not natural or normal. It was the medicine.

Just be aware that the medicine can play with your emotions, and when it happens, know that your emotional highs and lows are not real. It's the Accutane.

Txsmurf said...

Thank you Joe. If you go back into my blog a bit you'll quickly discover that my emotions have always been a major battle anyway. I have 3 doctors that are monitoring me: Dermatologist, Psychiatrist, and my Primary Care Physician.

Thank you for your concern though.