Friday, June 27, 2008

Sick of Politics

I'm going to start this off by saying that I'm non-partisan. I'm definitely on the left side of things, but I don't identify with any one political group or party.

My brother-in-law, who is more than a little conservative, sent me an email yesterday that infuriated me. It wasn't because of the subject matter which was drilling for oil on the Arctic National Wildlife Rescue (ANWR). That's a subject that people can argue until they're blue in the face - and have for years. Rather, it was the tone of the email.

It was in all capital letters talking about how Democrats and Liberals are lying about the refuge in their attempts to prevent drilling. The right-wing guys are pushing and pushing to drill for "precious oil" in an area that might, in total, yield enough to support 6 months to a year at most. Is that really worth it?

But again, that's not what this post is about. The email, instead of presenting facts, was angry and resorted to name-calling and over-exaggeration. It showed pictures of what it called a "wasteland" that wouldn't affect anything. (Environmentalists refer to this area as a coastal plain and tundra.) What stuck out in my mind more than anything was the tone.

Why is it necessary to take the attitude of "Us vs. Them"? Why spend so much effort slandering the "other side" instead of analyzing data and working together for a solution. I'm not saying that Democrats don't do the same thing, but I don't tend to see this type of thing as often from them as from the conservative Republicans.

It's the reason I don't claim either party. I feel like Switzerland. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I know much about the whole ANWR issue, because I don't. My point here is that both parties need to get over this "Us vs. Them" attitude or it will just breed more and more anger and hatred. We know from experience that pitting Americans against other Americans doesn't yield good results. Sometimes I feel like we're on the verge of another civil war - Red States vs. Blue States...that's when I'm going to Canada.

I hate politics...


Anonymous said...

"Us vs. Them"

That's what I look for in a Presidential candidate. It just galls me when the Republicans and Democrats stick to party lines and refuse to consider the other side's position.

troglodytis said...

why 'us vs them'?

cause 'they' suck and 'us' are AWESOME!!

and by 'us' i mean me. by 'them' i mean everyone that doesn't agree with my every whim.

silly humans.

Elizabeth Mai said...

Okay, I have to comment in defense of your brother-in-law. He and I both agree that the "tone" of the email, with capitol letters and the use of "wasteland" was less than desirable. He just failed to add the disclaimer, "I just thought this was interesting, although I don't necessarily agree with all points of this email."
On another note, although he does have many conservative views, he does not claim "Republican" across the board. He's a very good listener to both sides, and does not claim the negative tone written in that email. So, sorry it struck you so negatively! And FYI, I hate politics too.

Anonymous said...

I hate politics myself and i am independent. I never vote for someone I vote against. I always vote for the lesser of two evils and lets face it they are all politicians, and i'm with you I hate the they have to stick to party lines.I think they should do it like Greta Britain only 6 weeks to campaign, no big cash machine not years of beating a dead horse and who has more money for adverts etc.

A friend