Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm baaaaaaack...

Thank you for being patient with me. I'm just trying to work out a bunch of personal shit and I've just been worn out lately. I've been thinking a lot about this blog: the reasons I started it, what it's become, and where I want it to go. I realize that this is just a very surface level account of my daily activities. Not all entries have been surface level, but it seems that most are. It isn't what I intended, but I'm a chicken shit.

I have been told on more than one occasion recently that I am emotionally unavailable which is why I am usually drawn to unavailable men - usually straight or far, far away. I've discussed this with the shrink quite a bit lately and he tends to agree. I was discussing it with Stacie this weekend and she agreed, "well, you are pretty unavailable." Hmmmm...

How do I change that? I don't know, but I've decided to start here with this blog. Initially when I started I thought I'd write stories about different events from my past with the occasional story from the present. It's the events from my past that I need to face and own up to, I've just been afraid, not only of facing them, but of doing so in such a public way.

My other concern was that the majority of stories worth writing about are filled with pain and I wasn't sure how tiresome that would become. There is a reason I spent 9 years of my life getting high on meth as often as I could. I was running from my life rather than accepting and moving beyond the pain. Although I'm clean now (2 1/2 years) I am still hiding from a lot more of my past than I realized.

Now that I don't do drugs I hide in different ways. If I don't get close to people two things will happen - 1) I don't have to reveal myself to anyone, forcing me to look within, and 2) I don't open myself up to further pain in the future. I realize that the logic is flawed. It doesn't change the fact that it's where my mind naturally goes.

I was also made aware recently that not everyone understands how the mind of someone in my state works. Most people understand being upset or blue for a bit, but few understand the level of depression I feel makes everyday difficult. One thing that I hope to get across is to help people understand why a smile, a pat on the back, and the words, "everything will get better" just doesn't help at all. I understand that people only want to help, but this isn't something that will go away with good intentions.

So there will be days when I throw in funny anecdotes and/or positive, happy stories. I'm not saying there aren't happy days, it's just not the majority. I'll understand if it just becomes too much of a downer. If it does, please let me know. If you suddenly feel the need, as a reader, for a happier, lighter story, please feel free to tell me either in a comment or email. I am going to put a lot of myself out there and I'm terrified to do it, so anytime anyone feels compelled to say something, please do. I look forward to reading comments and emails from anyone who takes the slightest interest in my life so far.


Anonymous said...

Hi Steven,

You don't have to post my comment publicly if you don't wish too. I've been reading your blog for a while now, trying to get to know you a bit. Seems like whenever I encounter someone who suffers from depression, I ALWAYS manage to say the wrong thing and make a bad situation worse. Is there any correct thing to say when you are having a bad day? Please help me to understand.......

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's me, Jeff again. Welcome back!!!

OK, here's MY confession: It helps with my depression when I know that I'm not the only one dealing with it.

It's your blog and it's one of the ones I check everyday; I enjoy reading about your life and experiences.

I look forward to meeting you when I come down to visit Mark.

Mark Floyd-Thaut said...

Writing about your past can be a difficult yet a very cathartic thing to do. Trust me. Plus, I had this fear of forgetting certain details about my past and I didn't want to forget them. No better place to get them written down.

Anonymous said...

Let's hear it for depression! It's gotten me by the low hangers on more occasions than I care to remember. It's a good thing I don't care for alcohol and/or drug use, or who knows what might have happened. So let it out & you'll see you/we are not alone with this shit. Looking forward to getting to know you better. HUGS cutie!!

Anonymous said...

i'm very excited for you and i very much look forward to seeing what you will write. yes, catharsis is never easy, but it's so freeing. i wish you well on the endeavor and i'm behind you 100%. as someone who's struggled with depression for many years, i feel for ya. some days it can be like trudging through knee-deep mud during a downpour, but when the clouds do occasionally part, i get as much sun as i can. you'll be in my thoughts.

troglodytis said...

note to self: in a couple weeks pat steven on the back and tell him everything will be ok.