Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gays in Sports

OH MY GOD!!! There are gay people in professional sports!

I just received an email from my brother-in-law that got me a little riled up. He's extremely conservative and his emails usually do that, so I asked him to not send me any. He hasn't, until this one. It's an article written by an ESPN writer talking about his views on why gays should be allowed to be open in professional sports. He sent it to let me know how he feels because it so closely matches his own beliefs. At first glance it seems positive, but I think a lot of it is backhanded.

So - I want other opinions. I wanna know if I'm completely blowing things out of proportion or if anyone else is offended by it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm, ummm, ummm - you're a sinner! I bet you won't sleep well tonight knowing that. *eye roll* Please. That guy can spare me the I'm-so-great-because-I'll-talk-to-the-
gay-guy-and-play-basketball-with-him. act.

I think I'm reading it the same way you're reading it.