Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Learning to Budget

Last night, after working out, Mark helped me set up a budget. I've made it to 31 without ever learning how to budget or handle my money which is sad since my dad is in the finance business. This is the reason I don't own a home, have bad credit, and despite making a living wage tend to have no money.

So we sat down and broke everything down. I'm not big on limits. I don't like being told that I can't do something, but I also know that I have to learn to control my spending or I'll never own anything or have decent credit.

One of the big monthly expenditures that caught both our attention is Abby's daycare. I pay $250 a month to send her to daycare M-F. At first I thought it would be non-negotiable. She needs the daily interaction with others or she gets depressed. (Again, Danes are highly sensitive.)

Then, on the drive home I had an epiphany! What about getting a second dog??? Now wait, hear me out. Overall it isn't much more expensive to have 2 dogs. If I had a second one, she would have company throughout the day and I wouldn't have to use daycare. Now I just have to weigh out costs of boarding an additional dog on occasion and additional vet bills. If that totals less than $250 a month, then I don't see why I shouldn't do it.


Brettcajun said...

Umm... what about now having two vet bills annually for shots, two front lines every month, two heart hearm pills every month, dog treats for two, etc. It may not be as much of a savings.

I have two Dachshunds that give each other company. It does make me feel less guilty about leaving them to go to work or leaving them to go out on weekends. They are happy together.

I found that I spend WAAAAY more money on buying drinks each month. And you saw me drink... I am certainly not the biggest drinker... but that adds up to quite a lot.

thomas said...

as someone in the throes of a wicked budget crunch, i feel your pain.