Monday, April 2, 2007


Friday -

Mark and I went to a new restaurant, Tradicion, 4334
Lemmon Ave. Dallas, TX (for the benefit of Google searches) for what has to be the worst dining experience I've ever had. I'm going to let Mark tell it though, he's much more dramatic than I am. Mark's Review.
After that we needed a drink, because ya know - they had no liquor license. We went back to Mark and Brian's, opened a bottle of wine, and watched Children of Men. Excellent movie, by the way. I headed home as soon as that was over so Mark could get his beauty sleep. He was going to the ranch Saturday morning.
When I got home I got online to check messages and ended up chatting with a very charming man from Seattle. We chatted well past midnight, until I was passing out. I'm trying to get him to meet me in San Francisco at Pride. Cross your fingers!

Saturday -

Left to my own devices, I spent most of Saturday morning picking up around the house. That didn't last long before I was distracted by the computer. I spent all day vegging until time for my massage that afternoon. I had never been to this man before. It was wonderful. As a bonus, he took me to dinner afterward. I went home and passed out - again.

Sunday -

I awoke energized and ready to tackle the day. I got up around 7, did laundry, and cleaned. Abby was extremely bored with me (she gets very spoiled at daycare M-F). I decided to take her to the dog park. We went to Petsmart first to get a new name tag where we ran into another young Great Dane. While Abby and she were doing their thing, I was talking to the owner and discovered that the dog park was closed due to flooding, so we went home.
When Mark and Brian got back into town we met Mama at Blades of Glory. I haven't laughed that hard in a movie theater in a long time. I'm not going to spoil it, but the chase scene alone is worth the $9 ticket. I was in tears!
Afterward, we went back to their place and watched The Women - my favorite movie of all time! Brian had never seen it, so it was time for some education. Another movie he'd never seen would be our second feature - Heathers. After the "I love my dead gay son" scene I headed home. It was almost midnight and I had to get my beauty sleep. This week is going to be a busy one!

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