Monday, September 10, 2007

Just a quick note...

Just a quick note before heading to bed. I don't really get much of a chance to write at work this week due to construction, so I try to fit it in when and where I can. We are remodeling the office area so the place is a wreck and we're short computers for a few days.

The trailer trip was a bust. I'd forgotten how old the trailer was. It's a 1975 Coachman with all original materials. It's kind of fun in a kitschy sort of way, but it isn't practical and would need a bit of work. It was worth a shot. When I get my bonus next month at work I'll look at buying something.

Tonight Mark and I went to see Halloween. Shit. It was great! I was tense through the whole thing. What I favored about it was that it showed the development of Michael Myers. It was a fun evening.

Shit - Blogger is about to go down for a bit. Gotta run...

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