Thursday, November 8, 2007

Let's try this again...

I've been a bad blogger, I know. No excuses, I just haven't felt like writing. It's really par for the course. I usually start something all gung-ho and then just drop it after awhile. I lose interest. I started feeling like all of my entries were complaining and moping. I knew I didn't want to read it, much less write it, and I figured no one else would want to read it either.

So, I've missed writing about a few things such as Halloween, Fall Fur Fest, etc. I'll have to get pictures uploaded because they were both great times. In the meantime, Mark has most of the same pictures already posted.

Big News though! I'm about 95% sure I'm buying this trailer for the Ranch. It's about time I have a little place of my own out there.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Duuuude. I checked out Mark's site for Halloween pics (is a fur fest what I think it is by the way?) and I don't even recognize you at all! I know you were Miss Conceive from an earlier post, but all I recognize is the tattoo - what a brilliant costume! I love it.