Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wow! Didn't realize I hadn't written anything in a week. Ooops...

Things have been hectic with preparations for Halloween. There's a group of us going as Beauty Queens, but not just any beauty queens. I'm going as Miss Conceive - I'll be pregnant. We have Miss Treated (abused), Miss Guided (blind w/ guide dog), etc etc. The one I wanted to do so bad, but decided it was just a little too tacky is Miss Carriage. I don't wanna piss off any lesbians at the Ranch.

On the other fronts: My ex is actively looking for a place to stay. He has until the end of the month. Construction at work is almost complete. We just have a few finishing touches to do and we'll be finished! This 2 week project has become an 8 week project - pretty typical. But we're almost prepared for our street party on Nov 2.

For those in the area, consider this an invite. All of the Dragon St showrooms will be open the night of Nov 2 from 6-9pm for drinks and food. It is sponsored by Lexus and Dallas Modern Luxury. The event is called "Design on Dragon Sip and Stroll". Feel free to come by for some wine and a nosh.

1 comment:

troglodytis said...

and now it's been 2 weeks