Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Off to Iraq

Sunday, Abe was shipped off to Iraq for another tour. It's bad enough that he was leaving, but for it to be on Father's Day? They couldn't wait a day? You would think that if the Army was concerned about morale of it's troops it wouldn't separate families on a day set aside to celebrate them. Go Army...

Don't get me wrong - regardless of my feelings for the war, I fully support the men and women over there. There are more than a few who don't want to be there, but are making a sacrifice in the name of their country, no matter the reason we're there or their personal beliefs. That's something I couldn't do and I admire them for that.

I couldn't get enough hugs from Abe when I left the reunion in the Spring. We scheduled it then, instead of August, so that he could be there. I'm more worried this time than I was the last. I don't know if it's because I know more about what he does over there or what...I don't know...

I haven't found out anything about his assignment yet, but if it's anything like last time it's a very high risk one. He's a helicopter pilot and flew troops in and out of Baghdad. He's still a helicopter pilot of course, but I'm hoping he has a better assignment.

Most people know I'm not a religious person, but I am a believer in positive energy. If you already pray for a loved one over there or pray for the troops in general, please add Abe to your list. I know I'll be thinking about him every day he's there and sending out as much positive energy as possible.


Team Manager said...

Thanks for your post and positive energy. We will take all that you and your readers will give.

Nice pic of the two of you.

troglodytis said...

i didn't know you could SMILE!

it sucks. but don't worry too much, he is abe, ya know.

Anonymous said...

My husband left for Iraq on Father's Day last year. He left at about 0600 so the kids and I packed a little treat bag for him to have on the trip over.

I'm so grateful that he's home now. Much love and support to Abe and his family. (and you too, of course.)