Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Update

So, we didn't go to the Halloween street party in the gayborhood last night. It turns out that neither one of us wanted to go, but were going because we thought the other wanted to. A little misstep in communication there, but we'll still be dressing up as Tinkerbears at the ranch.

So, yesterday we went to Carlyn Galerie for their Glass Show and to put down a deposit on a piece that Mark saw online and that I called and ordered. And of course, we had to get something else. Mark bought a beautiful "clam" shaped piece with 5 smaller pieces that fit inside. I bought a bowl that we'd both looked at numerous times over the past few months and was really inexpensive.

Last night we finally went to see Eagle Eye - incredible movie. When we got out I looked up and noticed that Max Payne was about to start in the theatre next to us. So we jumped theatres and went to see it at 11:00. I'm so glad we didn't pay for it. It was really a waste of time, but we wouldn't have known without going. Like I said though, I'm just glad we didn't pay anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shia LaBeouf has turned himself into a sure bet for a movie to make millions and millions no matter what... even though his name is hard to remember (and spell)