Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Allergy Report

So, what am I allergic to? Here's a list along with the rating system:

+ Reactive
++ Slightly Allergic
+++ Very Allergic
++++ Highly Allergic

Giant Ragweed ++
Marsh Elder ++++
Carelessweed +++
Hackberry ++
Cedar ++++
Cottonwood +++
Feathers ++++
Cat Hair ++++
Cockroach +++
Dust Mite Pteronysinus ++++
Dust Mite Farinae ++++
Lambs Quarter (weed) +++
Alternaria (mold) ++++
Aspergillus (fungus) ++
Helminthosporium (mold) +

So basically - stay away from dust, trees, cats, feathers, and mold. Hmmm...live in an old converted loft, work in a showroom with a dusty warehouse and 4 cats...yep - I need shots.

Friday I start a regimen called RUSH Immunology. I'll go in to the doctor and over a period of about 4 hours I'll be given lots of shots (with waiting periods in between) that will bring me to the maintenance dose in a day instead of a month. Then, I just have to go once a week for a bit before going once a month, which I'll continue for at least 3-5 years. The advantage is a smaller frequency of office visits and faster and better results.

She said they've come a long way and to throw out what I believe about shots and their effectiveness. She said that the problem most people have is that they either miss an office visit or just stop completely. I'm dedicated. I've spent 30 years dealing with year-round allergies - I can dedicate 3-5 years to eradicating them. And she said that this isn't just "treatment", but a cure. It's just a long, slow process.

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