Sunday, January 11, 2009

I need my allergy medication!!!

This has been a bad week. Not because anything in particular happened, but because I couldn't take any allergy medication. Tomorrow morning I get to go to the allergy doctor. Because of allergy testing I can't have any antihistamines in my system. For someone who is seemingly allergic to anything and everything and who takes Claritin-D every morning - this is no small task.

I'm allergic to animal dander - I live with a dog and work with 4 cats. I'm allergic to dust and have been cleaning this week. I'm allergic to anything that can move through the wind - it's been a windy week. And the list goes on. I've gone through 3 boxes of Kleenex this week.

Last night was probably the worst because my eyes were itching and burning so bad. Mark and I were laying on the couch watching Underworld (gearing up for the 3rd) and tears would just pour out. No, I wasn't so moved by the battle between Vampires and Lycans on the screen - it was my stupid allergies.

So, as I'm sure you can imagine, I'm looking forward to what this day has to bring me. We're gonna go to Mama's for our ritual Sunday breakfast as soon as Mark gets up (I'm not allowed to wake him until 9am - I wake up naturally at 6:30 - ugh) and then maybe try to see a movie. We have so many to catch up on. Hopefully with nose spray and kleenex in my pockets I can hold off any sneezing fit.

When we get back home we have to clean some more. There are things from last weekend that need to actually be thrown out and honestly I haven't had the energy or desire this week, but we'll do it today. Neither one of us can go into a week with a dirty house. It just puts both of us in bad moods.

So, cross your fingers that tomorrow morning the allergy doc will give me the ok to get back on allergy medication until they can figure out what should be done. I'm really hoping for regular allergy shots to knock that crap out - I hate taking Claritin-D. It reminds me too much of doing meth and/or coke. It's funny, I never thought that much about it, but since I haven't been taking it daily my cravings have decreased dramatically...everyone pray for allergy shots!


Jim said...

I know how you feel! I take Claritin every day too. The last time I had allergy tests done the doctor said; "I'll make it easier, I'll tell you what you're not allergic to." I used to take the shots and they did help, now the Claritin seems to be working.

troglodytis said...

steven, make your nose run. now wipe it.

see, you can follow directions!

p.s. ver word = amberick
i think it's missing a 'd'