Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter Lace

The first of many to come. I have a whole series running in my head and if it continues there's no end for awhile. This is the first and has long story behind it. It's the culmination of a lot of years of artistic blockage, a lot of anger, some resolution, emotions in general, painful recovery, lessons learned - forgotten - and relearned, deaths and illnesses, relationships old and new, tearing down and rebuilding, and suddenly - epiphany thanks to Nora and Mark.

I have always loved a bare tree in Winter. It's just so exposed - nothing to hide. I get lost in the branches - it's the only time I really feel peaceful (it doesn't have to be Winter - but those are the best ones.) It's the closest I ever get to meditating anymore. Anyway, I've been lost artistically, but knew I wanted to do something related to trees. Hmm...

I had no medium - no outlet. I thought maybe quilting? I love quilts - not only because they're comfortable as hell but I see a lot of symbolism in piecing together all of those little pieces to form a larger picture - like a mosaic. Hmmm...

Still stumped as to what I should do. I didn't feel like I could paint - why should I? My limited attempts were never very successful. But, there were three blank canvases sitting in our storage area and a place on the wall above the TV. Hmmmm...

Then I read a post by Nora called Winter Lace. It was a very emotional blog post for me personally and came at the right time. After a couple of emails with her things were starting to roll. Nora has been battling Cancer for several years now and is having her second brain surgery Wednesday. She's a very strong, very inspirational person - a presence I hadn't felt since Grandma passed away a year ago this week. Hmmmmm...

I started the painting. It's my Winter Lace. While in the planning stage Mark said, what about doing different colors in different spaces instead of the negative space being all one color. I turned to him and said, "like a quilt." And then I got excited. I just got focused and went with it. There are so many options - so many design/pattern/color/shape/size options available. I think I'll be busy for awhile. Who knows - after I have a pile of these things laying around maybe someone will actually want to buy one...

Everyone beware - I have years of "stuff" to paint about - I'm finally unblocked!!!


Rinny said...

This is beautiful, Steven. And the fact that it is you on canvas makes it even more impressive. I can't wait to see what else you come up with. If you go commercial let us know....we have been on a three year search for a fabulous piece of art for our living room. Maybe your pent up artistic ability is just what the Dr. ordered. Stay warm today!

A Lewis said...

Fantastic! Beautiful colors...I love the way the blues and browns blend and work so well together. I offer you many pats on the back.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive! I can't wait to see what else has been locked up in that busy, spinning brain of yours ;)

Anonymous said...

Love it - amazing colours!
I could totally see myself buying ;-)

Anonymous said...

I really, really like that. Very cool. And I love that it means so much to you.

Team Manager said...

It's beautiful! I'm looking forward to seeing the next piece.

Pua; Bakin' and Tendin' Bar said...

Really beautiful. Your thought process behind it is even more beautiful.

Lee said...

Wonderful job!

(P.S. Here via Mark's blog...have been reading his for ages now and wanted to say hello)

Greg said...

Nice work!

Will said...

It's a very strong, effective piece, the more so for the personal associations. I particularly like that you did it as a triptych!

Anonymous said...

Awesome painting ~ an incredible talent that will take you far


Anonymous said...

Very nice. Mark's does look good on your wall. Keep up the good work!