Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Elijah's MRI

This morning, Elijah, my nephew is having an MRI. Suddenly last week he started having double vision and one eye started to get lazy. The doctors aren't sure what's going on. It isn't worse, but it isn't getting better. He's been wearing an eye patch to help the lazy eye get stronger. I mentioned that he gets to be a pirate...yeah, he's tired of the patch. I don't think he wants to be a pirate now.

Please send all of the positive energy, prayers, etc (whatever you believe in) that he's ok. I've attached this particular picture because it's how I'm imagining him facing whatever is going on - anything that will help. We should know something tonight.


Team Manager said...

Best of luck to Elijah and your entire family.

Rinny said...

Will be sending good thoughts in Elijah's direction