Monday, February 12, 2007

Waking Up Alone

Don't get me wrong, I'm in no condition to be in a relationship right now. But, I have to admit I'm getting a little tired of waking up alone. I miss having someone to sleep with (literally sleep) and hold. I miss affection and intimacy. I'm a very sensual person. I love touching, kissing, cuddling. It's very difficult for me not to be able to express that.

I have way too much on my plate right now to even give a relationship a second thought. WIth school, work, and starting a business I'm a little overwhelmed. Emotionally, physically, spiritually. But that's ok, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

So maybe what I need are friends. Friends that I can hold, touch, kiss, have adult slumber parties with...


Brettcajun said...

That's why you should hug up on your beautiful Great Dane. I sleep with my dogs when I am alone. It's very comforting. ;)

David said...

Hi and welcome to Blog World ! Looking forward to reading some more.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so you told me that you were thinking about this, but you didn't tell me that you had already written a few entries! I found your page through Mark's. Stinker ;)

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention "adult slumber parties"; I love 'em! Not the sex everywhore parties, but the sit around, talk, drink hot chocolate and watch movies/TV. Then make a big hot breakfast in the morning. My bear group used have parties once a month until the "others" turned the parties into orgies.

thomas said...

i can totally see your point, i miss having someone to sleep with as well. there is just something comforting about another person in the bed.