Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm surrounded by gremlins

I believe in gremlins. They are the little creatures that mess with your tv, stereo, phone, electricity, etc. They steal socks and move keys. Basically they are responsible for all of the "weird" little occurances throughout the day. I am surrounded by them. My latest encounter is related to my cable modem.

Today a technician was supposed to come replace my modem between 8 and 11. I got a call at 7 just to verify the appointment and to make sure I would be there. At 9:20 I received a voicemail from the cable company telling me that it was 9:03 and they had called 3 times. I was going to have to call customer service and reschedule.

I had my phone next to me the entire time and it NEVER rang! I checked my call log and it showed no received or missed calls. I just received a voicemail 20 minutes after it was left. I called customer service immediately hoping they would still be in the neighborhood, but after waiting 30 minutes on hold I decided to head to work. I give up! The gremlins win!

I'm going on a week without internet access at home and it's driving me nuts! And I just know the gremlins are sitting there laughing at me.

OH - AND I forgot - my freezer started acting up this week and turned my popsicles into liquid as well as my air conditioner quit blowing cold air. What the hell did I do to to those little buggers?!?!?

Addendum - The gremlins know where I work. Since I got to work the fax machine started acting up. It's going crazy. It's ringing non-stop and reprinting each fax about 6 times along with an error message that says it wasn't received. Of course HP has no idea what's going on. AND my power strip has failed twice and shutdown everything at my desk. WTF?!?!?


Anonymous said...

Maybe you're just cursed.

Anonymous said...

I think you're jinxed. If you plan to fly anywhere, could you give the rest of us a heads-up?