Sunday, March 18, 2007


Gooooood Looooord...

I'm a mess. I'll admit it. St Patrick's Day served as a reminder as to why I don't drink liquor very much anymore. I'm going to make this a very short post because I'm very drained and want to limit embarassing myself as much as possible.

I drank more than I have in many years. I remember bits and pieces of the evening, but for the most part, I have no recollection. What I do know is that I started emerging from my blackout (I lost a few hours) while sitting on the floor of a strange trailer, naked, throwing up into the person's shower. I have no idea how or why I was naked - no one will talk. What I do know is that I apparently have made a name for myself at the ranch. Oh joy, oh joy.

Actually, the embarassment has faded and I have made myself memorable I guess. All in all it was a good weekend. Next time I'll just have to control the liquor intake. Maybe stick to beer and a couple of shots instead of Vodka and a bottle of tequila. OK, I can't think about it anymore. I think I'm feeling a little sick again.


thomas said...

for the headache water, of course. for the embarrassment, i suggest a lot of beer. it works wonders. ;-)

Anonymous said...

That was you? Oh my......

Anonymous said...

Yeah well, after this past weekend we're making a promise not to over do it like that. I'm tired of feeling so drained after a weekend at the Ranch. I want to enjoy it and not regret it afterwards.

By the way, I didn't write about this little episode at all thank you very much. ;) I'm such a good friend.