Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Taking my time today

I'm not killing myself today like I did yesterday. I was at work by 7am which means I had to wake up at 5:30. OK, yes, I admit it. It takes me over an hour to get ready. But, that includes breakfast, walking Abby, etc. Anywho by the time 12:00 rolled around I'd hit a wall. Not to mention I'm cutting back on coffee. So, basically yesterday was a very long day.

Today, I've decided I'm taking my time. I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I'm not in any rush to get to work. I technically don't have to be there until 9am everyday, but I like going in early because I get more done with nobody there. The problem is that I don't get to leave early on those days, so I get pretty worn out pretty fast. Today, if I get there at 8 that's fine. If I get there at 9 that's ok too. People will just have to understand that I'm only one person.

After work today I have to go get my HIV test results. I'm more nervous this time than I have been in a long time. It's not that I've been irresponsible, but this test covers the oh-so-brief period of sexual activity since the break up. I was with a few people that are positive (I don't discriminate) and although we were careful, you never know. With that on my mind today I don't want to add to the stress by going into work early and being exhausted in the afternoon.

I need my strength. I have a couple of clients coming in this afternoon. They're very nice, but very high maintenance. They'll both run me ragged and if I'm exhausted by the time they get there I might be a little bitchier than normal. SO - like I said, I'm taking my time.


Anonymous said...

Hey bud,

Nothing wrong with taking your time, if more people did that, things would be much more harmonious don't ya think?

Sending good thoughts your way for your appointment this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

"...I might be a little bitchier than normal. "

You crack me up.

Anonymous said...

you *were* cutting back on coffee, until i called. 4 shots of espresso is NOT cutting back, btw ;)