Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mixed Messages

I'm getting mixed messages from the universe today. I'm not sure what kind of day to expect. I actually got going at a decent hour this morning and was out of the house by 7:30 - showered and shaved and everything! When I stopped to get coffee a woman saw Abby in the back and smiled and said "Hello" to both of us - the day was starting pretty good.

I got to her daycare and went around the back to let her out when I slipped in something. Dog shit. Someone had let their dog take a shit in the parking lot and didn't clean it up or tell anyone about it. I HAVE DOG SHIT ON MY KENNETH COLE BOOTS!!! That was a little slap in the face. Needless to say, my mood changed pretty quickly.

Until I got to work. I opened my email and had a surprise from Mark. Just a nice gesture, nothing big, but it meant a lot. I asked him what prompted it and he said that he just wanted to do something nice today. So my mood is elevated again. I feel like the universe is playing games with me. I hope I'm wrong - I'm not in the mood for games. I can lead myself on emotional roller coasters without any outside help, thank you very much!

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