Friday, May 11, 2007

Sorry for the delay...

I want to start by apologizing for disappearing this week. I realize my entry on Sunday wasn't a very pleasant one. This was a very emotional week for me and I just wasn't able to focus on this blog. There are things going on with me right now that I'm having trouble understanding and figuring out, but just know that I'm ok. Thank you to everyone who has expressed concern for my well-being. It really does mean a lot. I'm sorry for making you worry. And now, back to your regularly scheduled blog...

So on Tuesday my right foot started hurting really bad. The pain started just in my big toe. It felt like a bruised tendon or something so I wasn't really worried about it. I had just bought my most recent pair of KC's and while they are wonderful shoes and I love every pair I own, they are not necessarily built for comfort. So, I just wrote the pain off to breaking in new shoes.

By midday the pain had spread to the ball of my foot and then into the arch. By the evening my foot was swollen and I could hardly walk. Before work on Wednesday I ran to Walgreen's and bought some arch supports still thinking it was shoe related (I have very high arches - picture Barbie feet with hair). By Wednesday evening I was in pretty bad shape.

Thursday morning I called work and told them I'd be running late - I had to go to the doctor. She looked at the swelling and tenderness and asked me, "Have you been eating a lot of meat or protein in general?" CRAP! I told her about the protein shakes. Dammit. She told me no more protein shakes for a couple of weeks and then only minimal amounts. I have Gout - but a very minor case. Apparently this can happen when your body is unable to process the amount of protein in your body.

She gave me some anti-inflammatory medication and Lortab (thank you!) for the pain. After only 3 doses of the anti-inflammatory the difference is like night and day. There is still a little tenderness, but at least I'm not limping!

So, now I'm sitting at Mark and Brian's waiting for Mark to get home. Brian and I went to the store to stock up on everything we need for the weekend and now we're just waiting on Mark. And waiting. Our goal is to leave town at 4 to beat as much traffic as possible and to get ready for the kegger tonight. I hope to have a full report complete with pictures when I return!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you were in pain, but I love the Barbie feet analogy. It's got me smiling. :-)

Cincy Diva said...

I get something similar to gout but it is calcium build up that does me in. I know the pain you went thru. I hope you are better now.