Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And the winner is...

Ok, I rock, but here's why. I took a gamble after much reading and waffling to get a Blue-Ray player. There has been a five-year battle over Blue-Ray vs. HD-DVD. Nobody has really had any insight as to who would win or as to how long the battle would last. Well today it was announced that Blue-Ray has won!

I'm a genius...anywho...

Tonight Mark and I are going to see Barry Manilow. I know, it's cheesy, but I love the guy. Can't help it.

Honestly, right now I'm sitting at my desk really trying not to work. I've been here since 7:30 (I don't have to be here until 9) and I have pretty much worked straight through. We don't take much of a lunch - they're usually working lunches. My brain is worn out. So, I thought I'd blab about my genius a bit on here in the hope that I'll be able to take a break from the mundane.

Now back to the filing I've put off for a couple of weeks. That shit piles up really fast if you're not careful!

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