Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Barry Manilow in Concert!!!

I'm a dork, I admit it. I love Barry Manilow, and the man can put on a show! I'll admit, looking around the audience I was definitely the youngest in my section and it was probably the whitest crowd I've seen at a concert, but it was well worth going.

I'm really enjoying the older performers' concerts. They're just more relaxed on stage. Barry, Billy Joel, Tina Turner, Bette Midler, Cher - they all are so relaxed in their element. Not to mention they all have a great sense of humor, especially about their age. It just makes for a very enjoyable evening. Not that I don't enjoy shows like Christina Aguilera - amazing - but the older generation of performers just has an added level that only comes with age and experience.

Other than the woman talking behind us (always happens when Mark and I go to a concert, movie, etc), the evening was an unforgettable one. It just made me want to see him perform in Vegas.

I think my favorite part of the evening was when he sang "Mandy." It started with video of him on The Midnight Express in 1975 (the year I was born) performing the song for the first time on television. About halfway through he is raised from below the stage sitting at a white piano and continues the song live. Then, toward the end, he does a duet with his 1975 self. I know it's been done before, but it's still amazing to watch.

Anywho...a wonderful evening that I really thing anyone would've enjoyed. How can you listen to Barry Manilow and not smile? If you can do that, then you just aren't human.


Rinny said...

You are a big dork, but with good reason. I am sure it was an awesome show! Glad you had fun.

Anonymous said...

You're a Fanilow! ;)

We're still going to the Cure, right?

Oh, and Celine Dion is on the AAC calendar for next January...

just me said...

Sounds like fun. I like him, but being a young black woman, I know better than to show up at a concert... ;) J/K

BTW, you've been tagged!