Monday, March 10, 2008

I hate the DMV!!!

I thought I'd actually done everything right this year. I thought registration was going to be smooth...I should've known better. I registered my truck online - no big deal. Then (after the registration) something popped up about ordering specialty plates. I've always liked them so I thought, "what the hell?"

I chose the "Native Texan" plate, paid for it, got a receipt that said all I had to do was go to the tax office and pick them up when they were ready. I called this morning and they were there, so I decided to run by before work. I've been very excited about getting them (I'm a dork, I know. This isn't news.)

I got to the window and to start things off there was a sign that read, "Clerk in Training". Yea for me. I told her I needed to pick up my new plates and gave her my drivers license. She said, "I'm going to need more than that." I just kind of looked at her inquisitively. "I just need to pick up my plates." She went looking for them.

Ten minutes later she came back to the window and I asked her if I was supposed to get a new sticker to match it. She said she needed my insurance card. What?!?! Nobody mentioned that to me online or when I called. Then she got snippy. She said, "Have you ever been in here and received anything without your insurance card?" I started to tell her that nothing had been said to me about needing my proof of insurance. Notice I said started to tell her. Every time I started to say something, she would interrupt and repeat herself increasingly louder.

Her supervisor came over because I was on the verge of exploding. All I wanted was clarification and this "Clerk in Training" was refusing to even listen to what I was trying to ask her. The supervisor listened to what I had to say and why I was confused. I figured if you ordered new plates online that they would automatically tie it to your vehicle and issue a revised registration sticker. Apparently not. She explained to me that since I ordered it online I had to have the office make that connection, but she couldn't do that without my VIN#. Well, I don't keep my VIN# memorized, so I had to get my insurance card out of the car.

I was annoyed at this point, but no longer angry. I was heard and they understood my frustration and were able to explain everything. I was annoyed because I had to go back out to my car which is a pain in the ass in downtown Dallas. I was also annoyed that at no time, through the website, email, or phone call was I told that I would need to have this information for them to link up my car and registration to the new plates. I was just told to go in and pick them up - sounded simple enough.

I get back in there and she said there'd be a $6 fee for making the change (another thing that wasn't mentioned.) I pulled out my credit card because I had no cash. She paused and told me that they could only accept cash or check. I must have looked like I was about to either take her head off or blow my own head off. She grabbed my hand through the window and said in a very calm voice, "before you get upset, there's an ATM in the foyer."

To my surprise it was an ATM for my bank. I put my card in and it wouldn't read it. As I felt tears of rage building up I tried it again. After 3 attempts it finally read the card. I took my payment to the window. She apologized for the misunderstanding earlier and I apologized for getting upset (I have a tendency to instill fear in people when I get upset.) She grabbed my hand again and just held it. She said, "I understand your frustration, our website really sucks. I wish it had given you all of the information you needed." I thanked her and left feeling like I'd actually made a friend at the DMV.

When I say I "hate" the DMV, it's not the people that helped me today in the tax office - they were great after the initial misunderstanding. It's the online bullshit. Don't get me wrong - just the registration part was great - it was the specialty plate that was a problem.

Moral of the story - don't walk in the doors of the DMV without your insurance. Even if you're just stopping by to say "Hi".


Anonymous said...

oh darlin, had I known you were going there, I could have warned ya ahead of time! I actually had to go to the DMV out on Marsh Ln because of a title issue with my truck and they were just plain SHITTY to me! Thankfully, I was able to locate the paperwork needed to get my title fixed, but at the expense of my time
AND my patience. Glad you were able to get through it ok though!

Unknown said...

I just dont complain at all. I had a friend who works for DMV Texas .