Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, I swore off "networking" sites after I just got tired of myspace. People here and there would say, "Why aren't you on Facebook?" I didn't realize how many people were on there. A couple of days ago Mark joined and within a couple of hours he had about 40 or so friends in his list. He couldn't believe the people that were coming up. After seeing how quickly it worked I thought I'd try.

After 24 hours, my list is up to 25. Several of these people are ones I haven't spoken to or seen in 10-15 years. It's great! I made contact with one of my favorite people from theatre and school. She's been MIA for a long time and I've been looking all over for her...apparently everywhere but Facebook!

The most exciting part is just seeing who shows up!

1 comment:

Team Manager said...

I have yet to join the ranks of facebook. You may have just given me the nudge I needed.