Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's up with so many posts...

Yeah, so yesterday I wrote 5 or 6 posts. It started off as one ginormous post and I realized it was more "rambly" than usual. Someone once told me that people don't really like reading long posts (I usually don't read more than 3 or 4 paragraphs.) So, I decided to break it up.

No, I wasn't making up for lost time - although I'm sure I should. I know I haven't been there like I should and even want to. There are so many times that I come across something to post or write about but just figure I'll write about it later in the day or something. Then I completely forget about it.

So, now there will probably be more frequent, shorter posts. Some days may have none and some days may have 5 - there are no rules. They may be linked somehow or totally disjointed. Who knows. Some will be political, some will be observations, some will be bitch sessions (probably either about stupid parents or stupid people in general.) I don't know. What I do know is that I'm back.

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